More than 50% of adults suffer from one degree or another of gum disease. This disease includes damages to the bone that connects the teeth to the jaws and inflammation of the gums. It is important to deal with and address gum disease as quickly as possible. As potential future pain and expense can be prevented or at least minimized; it’s always worthwhile to deal with this problem as quickly as possible, no matter how minor or advanced. Many people may not be aware that gum disease can be reversed, halted, or at the least improved; at any given point.
The root cause of gum disease is plaque. Plaque is a naturally occurring daily build up of a thin sticky layer of bacteria on the surface of the teeth. Over time plaque hardens to become known as tartar.
The earliest stage of gum disease is known as gingivitis and involves the inflammation of the gums. At this stage it is completely reversible. However, if not treated, the gums will begin to pull away from the teeth, leaving a small pocket. The pockets will trap plaque you can’t reach with a toothbrush. As these pockets become deeper, eventually the gum and bone may shrink. This stage is known as periodontitis. It is in this stage that tooth roots may become exposed, making teeth wobbly and sensitive. Then ultimately, the teeth may fall out or require extraction.